Scientific Articles Related to DUI Defenses

Blood Testing

There are several problems that can arise in blood cases including the proper collection, transportation, and storage of the sample prior to analysis, the effects of the preservative on analysis, the type of sample analyzed, and the method of analysis.  Here are some of the scientific studies which look at these blood testing problems.   

Preservation / Contamination / Storage / Stability “The Stability of Alcohol Content in Samples of Blood and Urine,” Hayden, P; Layden, M; Hickey, M.

146 Irish Journal of Medical Science 48 (1978). “The Stability of Ethanol in Stored Blood Part I. Import- ant Variables and Interpretation of Results,” Brown, G; Neylan, D; Reynolds, W; Smalldon,

“The Stability of Ethanol in Stored Blood. Part II: The Mechanism of Ethanol Oxidation,” Smalldon, K; Brown, G. 66 Analytica Chimica Acta 285 (1973).

“The Stability of Ethyl Alcohol in Forensic Blood Specimens,” Chang, R; Smith, W; Walkin, E; Reynolds, P. 8 Journal of Analytical Toxicology 66 (1984).

“The Stability of Ordinary Blood Alcohol Samples Held Various Periods of Time Under Different Conditions,” Glendening, B; Waugh, T. 10 J Foren Sci 192 (1965).

“Contamination of Blood Specimens for Alcohol Analysis During Collection,” Dubowski, K; Essary, N. Abstracts & Reviews in Alcohol & Driving 4:3 (1983).

Salting Out

“Salting-Out Effect of Sodium Fluoride and Its Influence on the Analysis of Ethanol by Headspace Gas Chromatography,” A. W. Jones 18 (4) Journal of Analytical Toxicology 429-439 (1994).

“Effect of Different Concentrations of Sodium Fluoride on Blood Alcohol Determination by Headspace Gas Chromatography Using the Internal Standard Method,” Anil A. Solanky, Dianna J. Matthias, Dennis C. Harvey, Dan E. DeFraga 18(1) Journal of Analytical Toxicology 215-218 (1994).

Plasma / Serum to Whole Blood Ratio

“Comparison of Plasma, Serum, and Whole Blood Ethanol Concentrations,” Charles Winek, Mark Carfagna 11 (2) Journal of Analytical Toxicology 300-305 (1953).

“Relation Between Serum and Whole-Blood Ethanol Concentrations,” Rainey, P. Clinical Chemistry 39:2288 (1993).

“Serum Alcohol Is Not the Same as Blood Alcohol Concentration,” Kurt, T. Annals of Emergency Medicine 25 (3):430 (1995).

“Distribution of Ethanol: Plasma to Whole Blood Ratios,” Hodgson, B; Shajani, N. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal 18:73 (1985).

Saliva to Whole Blood Ratio

“Correlation of Ethanol Concentration in Blood and Saliva,” McColl, K; Whiting, B; Moore, M; Goldberg, A. 56 Clinical Science 283 (1979).

“Distribution of Ethanol Between Saliva and Blood in Man,” Jones, A. 6 Clin & Exper Pharmacol & Physiol 53 (1979).

“The Comparability of Ethanol Concentrations in Peripheral Blood and Saliva,” Haeckel, R; Bucklitsch, I. Journal of Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Biochemistry 25:199 (1987).

Breath Testing

There are many problems that can arise in breath testing.  Here are some articles that look at the potential problems in breath testing including the variability in the blood breath ratio, breath temperature, breath volume, arterio-venous differences, hematocrit, and mouth alcohol.

 General Physiology

“Biological Aspects of Breath-Alcohol Analysis,” Dubowski, K. Clin Chem 20:294 (1974). “Physiological Aspects of Breath-Alcohol Measurement,” Jones, A. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving 6:1 (1990).

“Physiological Errors Associated with Alcohol Breath Testing,” Hlastala, M. Champion 9:16 (1985).

 Blood-Breath Ratio

“A Historical and Experimental Study of the Breath/ Blood Alcohol Ratio,” Jones, A; Wright, B;

Jones, T. Year of Conference: 1974 Conference Name: Alcohol, Drugs, and Traffic Safety [Proceedings of Int. Conf.] 6th:509.

“Significance of Variations in Blood:Breath Partition Coefficient of Alcohol,” Alobaidi, T; Hill, D; Payne, J. British Medical Journal 2:1479 (1976). “Statistical Analysis of Blood- to Breath-Alcohol Ratio Data in the Logarithm-Transformed and

Non-Transformed Modes,” Labianca, D; Simpson, Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 34:111 (1996). “The Blood/Breath Ratio of Ethanol,” Dubowski, K; O’Neill, B. Clinical Chemistry 25:1144 (1979). “Variability of the Blood/Breath Alcohol Ratio in Drinking Drivers,” Jones, A. Journal of Forensic Science 41(6):916-921 (1996).

“Variability of the Blood- to Breath-Alcohol Ratio and Its Effect on Reported Breath-Alcohol Concentrations,” Labianca, D; Simpson, G. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 33:919-925 (1995).

“Variability of the Blood: Breath Alcohol Ratio in Vivo,” Jones, A. J Stud Alcohol 39:1931 (1978).

 Mouth Alcohol

“Alcohol Breath Tests: Criterion Times for Avoiding Contamination by ‘Mouth Alcohol,’” Caddy, G; Sobell, M; Sobell, L. Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation 10:814 (1978).

“Breath-Alcohol Concentration May Not Always Reflect the Concentration of Alcohol in Blood,” Trafford, D; Makin, H. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 18:225 (1994).

“Alcohol Breath Tests: Gross Errors in Current Methods of Measuring Alveolar Gas Concentrations,” Spector, N. Science 172:57 (1971).

“Ethanol Content of Various Foods and Soft Drinks and Their Potential for Interference with a Breath Alcohol Test,” Logan, B; Distefano, S. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 22:181-183 (1998).

“Mouth Alcohol: Some Theoretical and Practical Considerations,” Denney, R; Williams, P, Alcohol, Drugs and Traffic Safety, p. 355 (1987).

“The Effect of Dentures and Denture Adhesives on Mouth Alcohol Retention,” Harding, P; McMurray, M; Laessig, R; Simley, D; Correll, P; Tsunehiro, J. Journal of Forensic Sciences 37:999 (1992).

“The Elimination Rate of Mouth Alcohol: Mathematical Modeling and Implications in Breath Alcohol Analysis,” Gullberg, R. Journal of Forensic Sciences 37:1363 (1992).

Breath Temperature

“Breath Temperature: An Alabama Perspective,” Carpenter, D; Buttram, J. IACT Newsletter 9(2):16 (1998).

“Effect of Hyperthermia on Breath-Alcohol Analy- sis,” Fox, G; Hayward, J. Journal of Forensic Sciences 34:836 (1989).

“Effect of Hypothermia on Breath-Alcohol Analysis,” Fox, G. Hayward, J Journal of Forensic Sciences 32:320 (1987).

“Quantitative Measurements of the Alcohol Concentration and the Temperature of Breath During a Prolonged Exhalation,” Jones, A. Acta Physiol Scand 114:407 (1982).

“The Effect of Mouth Temperature on Breath Alcohol Concentration,” Wright, B. Journal of Physiology 163:21 (1962).

“The Influence of Breath Temperature on Assessments of Blood Alcohol Level by Breath Analysis,” Legge, D. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol 26:371 (1965).

 Breathing Pattern

“How Breathing Technique Can Influence the Results of Breath-Alcohol Analysis,” Jones, A. Med Sci Law 22:275 (1982).

“The Effects of Hypo- and Hyperventilation on Breath Alcohol Measurements,” Mulder, J; Neuteboom, W. Blutalkohol 24:341 (1987).

Interfering Substances

“Biotransformation of Acetone to Isopropanol Observed in a Motorist Involved in a Sobriety Check (Case Report),” Jones, A; Andersson, L. Journal of Forensic Sciences 40(4):686-687 (1995).

“Diabetes, Breath Acetone and Breathalyzer Accuracy: A Case Study,” Brick, J. Alcohol, Drugs and Driving 9:27 (1993).

“Diethyl Ether Interference with Infrared Breath Analysis,” Bell, C; Gutowski, S; Young, S; Wells, D. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 16:166 (1992). “Interfering Substances Identified in the Breath of Drinking Drivers with Intoxilyzer 5000S,” Jones, A.W; Andersson, L; Berglund, K. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 20:522 (1996).

“Intoxilyzer Interference by Solvents,” Edwards, M;Giguiere, W; Lewis, D; Baselt, R. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 10:125 (1986).

“Isopropanol Interference with Breath Analysis: A Case Report,” Logan, B; Gullberg, R; Elenbaas, Journal of Forensic Sciences 39:1107 (1994). “Observations on the Specificity of Breath-Alcohol Analyzers Used for Clinical and Medicolegal Purposes, ”Jones, A. Journal of Forensic Sciences 34:842 (1989).

 Quality Assurance

“Quality Assurance in Breath-Alcohol Analysis,” Dubowski, K. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 18:306 (1994).

 Barometric Pressure

“Breath Alcohol Analysis and its Independence of Atmospheric Pressure,” Labianca, Dominic 17

(2) Journal of Analytical Toxicology 120 (1993). “A  Note  Upon  Barometric  Pressure and Breath Alcohol Analysis,” Mason, M.F. 19 Journal of Forensic Science 325 (1974).


“Limited Electromagnetic Interference Testing of Evidential Breath Testers,” National Traffic Highway Safety Administration.

“Alcohol Breath Analyzers and Radio Frequency Interferences,” Llaurado, J. International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing 16:3 (1985).

“Radio Frequency Interference,” Samija, B; Shajani, N: Wong, B. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal 18:211 (1985).

“RFI and Breathalyzers,” Feldman, J; Cohen, H. Cambridge Technical Associates.

“Alcohol Breath Analyzers and Radio Frequency Interferences,” Llaurado, J.International Journal of Bio-Medical Computing 16:3 (1985).

“Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Evidential Breath Testers,” Adams, J.Institution: National Bureau of Standards — Electromagnetic Fields Division (1981).


 Time to Peak

“Evaluation of Blood-Ethanol Profiles After Consumption of Alcohol Together With a Large Meal,” Jones, A; Neri, A. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal 24:165 (1991).

“Peak Blood-Ethanol Concentration and the Time of Its Occurrence After Rapid Drinking on an Empty Stomach,” Jones, A; Jonsson, K; Neri, Journal of Forensic Sciences 36:376 (1991).

“Food Effects on Absorption and Metabolism of Alcohol,” Sedman, A; Wilkinson, P; Sakmar, E; Wiedler, D; Wagner, J. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 37:1197 (1976).

 Elimination Rate

“Body Temperature Influences on Ethanol Elimination Rate,” Romm, E; Collins, A. Alcohol 4:189 (1987). “Disappearance Rate of Ethanol from the Blood of Human Subjects: Implications in Forensic

Toxicology,” Jones, A. Journal of Forensic Sciences 38:104 (1993).

“Elimination of Alcohol from Human Blood,” Wag- ner, J; Wilkinson, P; Sedman, A; Kay, D; Widler, D. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 65:152 (1976).

“Elimination of Ethanol in Humans,” Holzbecher, M., Wells, A. Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal 17:182 (1984).

Widmark and Retrograde Extrapolation

“Calculation of Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) by Sex, Weight, Number of Drinks and Time,” Fisher, H; Simpson, R; Kapur, B. Canadian Journal of Public Health 78:300 (1987).

“Comparing Roadside With Subsequent Breath Alcohol Analyses and Their Relevance to the Issue of Retrograde Extrapolation,” Gullberg, R; McElroy, A. Forensic Science International 57:193 (1992).

“Considering Measurement Variability When Per- forming Retrograde Extrapolation of Breath Alcohol Results,” Gullberg, R. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 18:126 (1994).

“Problems and Pitfalls with Back-tracking BAC to the Time of Driving,” Jones, A, DWI Journal of Law & Science 3(6):8 (1988).

 Endogenous Alcohol

“Can Microorganisms Produce Alcohol in Body Cavities of a Living Person?: A Case Report,” Moriya, F; Ishizu, H. Journal of Forensic Sciences 39:883 (1994).

“Endogenous Production of Alcohol in Humans,” Davies, J. Journal of Forensic Science Society 25:299 (1985).

“Intragastrointestinal Alcohol Fermentation Syn- drome: Report of Two Cases and Review of the Literature,” Kaji, H; Asanuma, Y; Yahara, O; Shibue, H; Hisamura, M; Saito, N; Kawakami, Y; Murao, M. Journal of the Forensic Science Society 24:461 (1984).


“Effects of Low Doses of Alcohol on Driving-Related Skills: A Review of the Evidence,” Moskowitz, H; Robinson, C. Institution: NHTSA.

“A Review of the Literature on the Effects of Low Doses of Alcohol on Driving Related Skills,” Moskowitz, H., Fiorentino, D. NHTSA DOT HS 809 028 (2000).

“Variability in Behavioral Impairment Involved in the Rising and Falling BAC Curve,” Nichol- son, M; Wang, M; Airhihenbuwa, C; Mahone, B; Christina, R; Maney, D. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 53:349 (1992).

“Driver Characteristics and Impairment at Various BAC’s,” Moskowitz, H., Burns, M., Fiorenti- no, D., Smiley, A., Zador, P. NHTSA DOT HS 809 075 (2000).

“Detection of DWI at BAC’s Below 0.10,” Stuster, J. NHTSA DOT HS 808 654 (1997).

 Field Sobriety Testing

NHTSA Development and Validation Studies “Psychophysical Tests for DWI Arrest (Final Report),” Burns, M; Moskowitz, H. NHTSA DOT HS 802 424 (1977).

“Development and Field Test of Psychophysical Tests for DWI Arrest,” Tharp, V; Burns, M; Moskow- itz, H. NHTSA DOT HS 805 864 (1981).

“Field Evaluation of a Behavioral Test Battery for DWI,” Anderson, T; Schweitz, R; Snyder, M. NHTSA DOT HS 806 475 (1983).

“A Colorado Validation Study of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Battery,” Burns, M., Anderson, E. Colorado Department of Transportation (1995).

“A Florida Validation Study of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Battery,” Burns, M., Dioqui- no, T. Florida Department of Transportation (1998).

“Validation of the Standardized Field Sobriety Test Battery at BACs Below 0.10 Percent,” Shuster, J., Burns, M. NHTSA DOT HS 808 839 (1998).

“Development of a Standardized Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Training Management System,” Stuster, J. NHTSA DOT HS 809 400 (2001).

Student and Instructor Manuals

“DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety Testing — Student Manual,” US Department of Transportation — NHTSA HS 178 R9/04 (2004).

“DWI Detection and Standardized Field Sobriety  Testing  —  Instructor  Manual,”  US Department of Transportation — NHTSA HS 178 R9/04 (2004).


“Different Types of Alcohol Nystagmus,” Aschan, G.Acta Otolaryngol 140:69 (1957).

“Effect of Cogeners in Alcoholic Beverages on the Incidence of Nystagmus,” Murphree, H; Price, L; Greenberg, L. Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol 27:201 (1966).

“Gaze Nystagmus and Blood Alcohol,” Coding, G; Dobie, R. Laryngoscope 96:713 (1986).

“The Correlation of Angle of Onset of Nystagmus with Blood Alcohol Level,” Norris, J. Journal of the Forensic Science Society 25:476 (1985).

“The Effect of Blood Alcohol Concentration on the Onset of Gaze Nystagmus,” Lehti, H. Blutalkohol 13:411 (1976).

 Criticisms Of Field Sobriety Testing

“Statistical Evaluation of Standardized Field Sobriety Tests,” Hlastala, M; Polissar, N; Oberman, S Journal of Forensic Sciences 50:1 (2005).

“Field Sobriety Tests: Are They Designed for Failure?,” Cole, S., Nowaczyk, R. Perceptual and Motor Skills 79:99 (1994).

 Crash Risk and Driving

“The Role of the Drinking Driver in Traffic Accidents,” Borkenstein, R., Crowther, R., Shumate, R., Ziel, W., Zylman, R. Indiana University (1964).

“Crash Risk of Alcohol Impaired Driving,” Blomberg, R., Peck, R., Moskowitz, H., Burns, M., Fiorentino, D. Dunlap and Associates (2005).


“Carryover of Tolerance to Alcohol in Moderate Drinkers,” Benton, R; Banks, W; Vogler, R. Journal of Studies on Alcohol 43:1137 (1982). “Concentration Tolerance and the Influence of Alcohol,” Author; Simpson, G. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 15:47 (1991).

“Individual Differences in Sensitivity and Tolerance to Alcohol,” Wilson, J; Plomin, R. Social Biology 32:163 (1986).

“Tolerance at High Blood Alcohol Concentrations,” Perper, J; Twerski, A; Wienand, J. Journal of Forensic Sciences 31:212 (1986).

“Tolerance to the Effects of Alcohol,” Chesher, G; Greeley, J. Alcohol Drugs and Driving 8:93 (1992).

General Sources on Forensic Science

Black, Bert, and Lee, Patrick W., Expert Evidence (St.Paul, MN: West Group, 1998).

Dubowski, Kurt, “Stages of Acute Alcoholic Influence/Intoxication in Nontolerant Individuals,” American Journal of Clinical Pathology, 1980, 74, pp. 749—It has been reproduced in many medical text books including Medical Toxicology by Matthew J. Ellenhorn and Donald G. Barceloux (published by Elsevier).

Eckert, William G., M.D., Introduction to Forensic Sciences, 2d ed. (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1997)—“A volume in the Forensic Library series.” Faigman, David L., Legal Alchemy: The Use and Misuse of Science in the Law (New York: W.H.Freeman & Co., 1999).

Faigman, David L., et al., Modern Scientific Evidence (St. Paul, MN: West Group, 1997).

Foster, Kenneth R., and Huber, Peter W., Judging Science: Scientific Knowledge and the Federal Courts (Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press 1999).

Foster, Kenneth R. (editor), et al., Phantom Risk: Scientific Inference and the Law (Cambridge, MA:

M.I.T. Press 1993).

Giannelli, Paul C., and Imwinkelried, Edward J., Scientific Evidence, 3d ed. (Charlottesville, VA: The Michie Company, 1999).

Huber, Peter W., Galileo’s Revenge: Junk Science in the Courtroom (New York: Basic Books, 1991). Imwinkelried, Edward J., ‘Bases’ of Expert Testimony: The Syllogistic Structure of Scientific

Testimony (1988) 67 N.C.L.Rev. 1.

Imwinkelried, Edward J., The Methods of Attacking Scientific Evidence, 3d ed. (Charlottesville, VA: The Michie Company, 1997).

Imwinkelried, Edward J., “Recent Developments in Forensic Science: The Good News,” the Cham- pion, XII No. 10, Dec. 1988 (Washington D.C.: N.A.C.D.L.) 14.

Jackson, Andrew R.W., and Jackson, Julie M., Foren- sic Science, 2d Edition, Prentice Hall (2007).

James, Stuart H, and Nordby, Jon J., Forensic Science: An Introduction to Scientific and Investigative Techniques, 2d Ed. CRC Press (2005).

Kruglick, Kim, “A Beginner’s Primer on the Investigation of Scientific Evidence,” California

Lee, Henry C., Gaensslen, Robert E., and Harris, Howard, Introduction to Forensic Science and Criminalistics, 1st Ed., McGraw-Hill, (2007).

Siegel, Jay A., Saukko, Pukka J., Knupfer, Geoffrey C., Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences (Orlan- do, FL: Academic Press, 2000).

Wecht, Cyril H., M.D., J.D., et al., Forensic Sciences (New York: Matthew Bender, 1998)—Five-volume set.

Dubowski, Kurt M., The Technology of Breath Alcohol Analysis (Rockville, Maryland: Dept. of Health & Human Services (DHHS)) Publication No. (ADM)92-1728.

Fitzgerald, Edward F., Intoxication Test Evidence, 2d ed. (St. Paul, MN: West Group, 1995).

Garriott, James C., Medical-Legal Aspects of Alcohol, 4th Ed. (Tucson, AZ: Lawyers and Judges Publishing Co., 2003).

Giannelli, Paul C., and Imwinkelried, Edward J., Scientific Evidence, 3d ed. (Charlottesville, VA: The Michie Company, 1999), Chap. 22.

Holleyhead, R., A Bibliography On Ethyl Alcohol For Forensic Science And Medicine And The Law (Harrogate, England: The Forensic Science Society).

Jones, A. W., “Measuring Alcohol in Blood and Breath for Forensic Purposes—A Historical Review,” Foren- sic Science Review, June 1996, Vol. 8, No. 1, p.14.

Karch, Steven B., Forensic Issues in Alcohol Testing, (New York: CRC Press, 2007).

Niesink, Raymond, J.M., de Vries, John, and Hollinger, Mannfred A., eds., Toxicology, Principles and Applications (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 1996).